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What do plumbers really do.

Plumbers are responsible for the health and wealth of our Nation. 

MA State code, plumbers have a responsibility from State code, health code and well being of our residents! plumbers are responsible from the main sewer 10 feet feet from the foundation wall of your home, which branches of inside your home to all the bathroom fixtures, kitchen, laundry, dog washing sinks, pretty much anything that receives water will drian into the sewer system, eventually after all that work and effort all the drainage fixtures have vents that run up though the house and terminate through the roof, if you look at most homes you'll see a pipe penetrating the roof. The draining and vent system was designed by engineers, when installed correctly will protect you and your family. 

Potable cold and hot water piping runs though the home to supply water to fixtures, hot water can be from a tank style, or a tankless system eg, Navien/Rinnai these appliances typically run on natural gas or electric. Plumbers are responsible for the installation of gas piping from the local gas suppliers meter, typically at the side of most homes; the gas lines are pressure tested to MA State code before gas will be introduced to the home. 

Gas boilers and furnaces vent/exhaust to the exterior, through brick chimneys (older style) newer style boilers/tankless hot water heaters vent to the exterior through the wall and terminate a few inches from the house siding. The MA State plumbing code requires that plumbers either install a carbon monoxide detector or ensures the homeowner has it installed before equipment can be commissioned. 

A lot of responsibility for the plumber, when it comers to your home; invest in the local hard working plumbers who care! 


  • Sewage back ups 
  • Cross contamination of non potable water into drinking water 
  • Improperly installed drain and vent piping, weeping into walls/ceilings going unnoticed
  • Hot water for showers and faucets; scalding issues if temperatures not set correctly, if temperatures set too low, it's a breeding ground for bacteria....eg, legionnaires disease. 